“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~John F. Kennedy~
If last week was about us entering a season of giving, this week for many of us is also a time for giving THANKS.
I wish to take this moment to extend my appreciation to all of you…
Thank you for being a part of my life…
Thank you for taking the time to read this email…
Thank you for sharing with me your ideas and your thoughts about what I have shared.
Last week I wrote about finding and sharing your favorite color and the favorite color of those you love… this week, as part of the holiday season as well as our daily lives, ask yourself, “What are my favorite foods?”
In any other year we would be preparing meals for large gatherings with family and friends. When the holiday season begins, we shop, make lists, plan end-of-year parties and celebrations…
This year we may not be connecting in quite the same way, but what we enjoy has not changed, what we delight in is still with us…
Giving thanks around a table continues whether it’s with one or a hundred people.
What are my favorite foods? What are the favorite foods of those I love…
The joy of asking this question is that while we may not be with everyone we love this year, the joy of those beautiful memories around the table will never go away…
Listen in for more…
PODCAST EPISODE #3: Special memories from around the table explores how our favorite foods create joyous moments and special memories around the table. Whether at home or in a restaurant, some of our favorite times are around a table, sharing a meal, catching up, telling stories and just enjoying the company of those we love.

It is hard to talk about death. Victoria Medina, Off-Broadway writer, producer, and director and best selling author shares how she combined her theater production and caregiving skills to celebrate the lives of those closest to her, from family to friends.
Whether you just lost someone or preparing for someone close, or just taking care of yourself and want to learn more about celebrating the lives of those you love and invigorating your own life, this is the podcast for you »
Remember to visit aquamarineevents.com and download the checklist that will assist you with planning.
Please email me at info@aquamarineevents.com with all of your questions and comments.
PS: What have you discovered by thinking about favorite foods for yourself and those you love? Share your thoughts and insights in the comments below.